Wednesday, June 29, 2011


More than three weeks have past since I left now. And yet the only thing I am really missing is playing Dominion with the family. After work Monday thru Thursday, we have English training until 6. Then we take a taxi somewhere and walk around and explore until we get hungry enough to go to dinner a some random new restaurant. Then we either walk around a bit more, or just head home, normally getting back at about 9PM. The internet works at the apartment, but due to its intermittentness, online gaming is not an option, and they block everything close to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, including blogger, so it is not very useful. For those of you that really know me, I brought along 3000 pages worth of books, but I already finished those so now I am reading the one series that Kris brought. And we still have 8 weeks left.

This is Moon Harbor, the expensive part of town right on Jinji Lake. We had dinner here last week with some of the visitors from Portland and then on Sunday we came down here and ate at an excellent French restaurant. It was delicious, but I was very disappointed that there was no bread. But I did manage to order my first thing in Chinese, hua sheng, peanuts. 

On Monday night, we went to a new part of town, a mall near Times Square, which was fun to look around. A bit too far to walk, but at only 10 RMB for a taxi, its very close. It is also very close to the Ferris Wheel Park, but we still have not gotten there yet, but we have been on various parts of the lake from which we can we it, so sometime soon we will get there.


  1. Love the blog. Glad to hear you are having a good time. Dominion will still be here when you get home. Love you!

  2. no HoN Greg? i cant believe your still sane.
